Thank you for all of your efforts to support the youth in your areas!!

At the July festival in Philadelphia, there are only 2000 spots for performers, byakuren, and soka group for the entire territory!!!

The deadline for performers, byakuren, and soka group to submit their $25 deposit has been announced as April 28, 2010... However, we really want to stress that the real deadline is right now!

Here is why....

  • The 2000 spots are on a 1st come, 1st serve basis
  • There is no allotment by zone or activity group towards these 2000 spots
  • Applications for performers, byakuren, and soka group will only be accepted until 2000 spots are filled throughout the territory (in other words, if these 2,000 spots are filled in the next two weeks, no other spots for these activity groups will be available)
Only a paid application (with a minimum 25- deposit), given to your area WD leaders, will count as a confirmed application. Please submit your application today! We will see you in Philly!

Thank you so much!!!

April 3, 2010


Exuberance! Courage!
Challenging spirit! Effort!
These are privileges of youth.
You youth, who are embarking on a fresh journey,
shine as "golden stars" with a mission.

Above is a translation of "To My Friends" based on President Ikeda's recent guidance, published in the Seikyo Shimbun.


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