South Zone Cheer #1


This cheer goes "South Zone, South Zone, together with Sensei!!! South Zone, South Zone, we will lead the way!!!" We say this cheer 2 times, with a lot of passion and excitement. The tempo of this will actually be a little bit faster than what's in the video.

After the 2nd time, we yell "REMIX!!" and go into the next part of the cheer, which goes, "All across the nation, there's a SOUTH ZONE sensation... that makes you wanna slide... and move from side to side." We repeat this 2 times, as well.

We then finish with "That's what's up," repeated over and over again, starting at the level of a whisper, and then getting louder and louder!

Crimson Dawn of Peace DRUMLINE

Crimson Dawn of Peace VANGUARD


Fife And Drum Corps Rehearsal Videos (7.17.10)


Learning The Drum Cadence

Drum Cadence (Part 2)

Rehearsing Marching Commands

Marching Commands (Part 2)

Drum Cadence In Formation

Ode To Joy and Formation

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song MP3


Below is the MP3 file that the Color Guard participants can use to get familiarized with the actual Fife and Drum Corps version of the Ikeda Kayo-Kai song. The FDC may play a little bit faster than this, but this is how they will sound like playing together.

Also, the intro is much shorter than the Color Guard tutorial video music.


East Territory Rock The Era Marching Commands


Commands while standing at attention:

“Corps Ten-hut!” “1!!!”
Attention! Calling all individuals to order. Chins should be up, shoulders back, feet together, eyes bright and smiling. No one should be moving during this time. Group in unison responds with “1!!!!”

Attention Cadence:
"Chins" ----->> "UP"
"Shoulders" ----->> "BACK"
"Stomach" ----->> "IN"
"Feet" ----->> "TOGETHER"
"Eyes" ----->> "BRIGHT"
"What else???" ----->> "SMILE!!!!"

"Right/Left, FACE" “1, 2”
A command given during attention towards a formation to turn 90 degrees to the right or left as one unit. Squad answers back, “1, 2”

"About, FACE" “1, 2”
A turn 180 degrees facing the opposite direction, executed to the right. Place your right toe downward, slightly behind the left leg. Pivot on the ball of both the left and right foot simultaneously and finish by bringing left foot together with the right. Squad answers back, “1, 2”

"Dress right, DRESS" “1, 2”
Movement in which individuals except those on the extreme right side raise their right arms parallel to the ground and lock their heads to the far right in order to get the proper distance from each other. Squad answers back, “1, 2”. This is maintained until the command: “Ready Front”.

"Ready, FRONT." “1, 2”
At which point, the individuals return to the position of attention. Squad answers back, “1, 2”

"Parade, REST" No response from squad
Individuals spread their feet about 12 inches while bringing the right arm behind the. The back of the right hand rests against the back. The left hand continues to hold instrument parallel to the ground.

Commands while marching:

"Forward, MARCH"
Individuals begin marching, starting with the left foot. Individual should roll off the ball of their foot and point toe towards ground, progressing forward at the rhythm set by conductor.

"Squad HALT" “1, 2”
Used to stop a unit (formation) from marching by calling it ether on the right or left foot. Squad answers back, “1, 2” “1” being the left foot and “2” being the right foot.

"To The Right Flank, MARCH"
The whole formation turns 90 degrees and continues to march. Extend the right leg out and make a 90 degree pivot on the ball of the foot. Follow with the left leg and continue marching.

"To The Left Flank, MARCH"
The whole formation turns 90 degrees and continues to march. Extend the right leg out and make a 90 degree pivot on the ball of the foot. Follow with the left leg and continue marching.

“To The Rear, MARCH”
The whole formation turns 180 degrees and continues to march. Extend the right leg out and pivot 180 degrees on the ball of the foot. Follow with the left leg and continue marching.

"Right step, MARCH"
Individuals take side steps to the right.

"Left step, MARCH"
Individuals take side steps to the left.

"Right Oblique, MARCH"
Every individual executes a 45-degree pivot to the right while marching.

"To the rear, MARCH"
A turn 180 degrees while marching, also executed to the right. Extend the right leg out and pivot 180 degrees pivoting on the ball of the right foot.

"Mark time, MARCH"
Marching in place.

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum Tutorials 1-10)


Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum - Basic Cadence)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare/Bass Drum – Intro)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum – 1st half of verse w/words SLOW)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum – 1st half of verse w/words AT TEMPO)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum – 1st half of verse w/o words)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum 2nd half of verse w/1st & 2nd ending SLOW)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum 2nd half w/1st & 2nd ending AT TEMPO)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum 3rd ending SLOW)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (Snare Drum 3rd ending AT TEMPO)

Ikeda Kayo-Kai Song (MELODY, SNARE, and BASS)

East Territory RTE Promotional Video


You still have time to sign up for the festival in Philadelphia! This is an activity that you will not want to miss... the energy is going to be crazy!!!!

Contact your local leaders for more information on how to sign up! See you in Philly!!!

Additional Gymnastics Videos



Human Wave

Little Human Towers

Human Mountains

Crashing Pyramids

Haka Dance

African Dance Choreography


This is the african dance piece. Three formations occur. Diagrams are in revision right now so that everyone will able to see the big picture of how this all fits together.


The african dance follows the Peace Walk. When the Peace Walk concludes, all youth, african and non-african dancers, will all do the same locomotive step. Non-african dancers will travel off of the stage and the african dancers will go to their first formation. Thse youtube clips by Mid-Atlantic zone (Hooray! And thank you!) are the choreography with will be put into the formations.
1st formation: 10 circles

- 1st step: "Windmill"
- 2nd step: "Rocking Horse"
Transitional locomotive step to 2nd formation

2nd formation: large diamond

- 1st step: "Bow"
- 2nd step: "Leg Cross"

Transitional locomotive step to 3rd formation

3rd formation: Everyone spread out equidistant apart in horizontal and vertical lines

- 1st step: "Hand Clap With Your Partner"
- 2nd step: "Hands Up" (4 times in place and then continue this step to exit off of stage)

The locomotive steps are coming!

As well, you will be receiving the house and latin dance! Hooray!

This weekend is pivotal. I am determined that everyone learn the african, house or latin and polish during the following week. With this, the piece is complete!

Yes, there is much to do but WE WILL WIN TOGETHER!!!

As Sensei says, "I hope you will act with courage. Courage is strength. Courage is wisdom. It is the driving force for victory."

Newest Dance Group Videos


This video outlines the choreography for the last portion of the finale...

End Of Finale - Take II from South Zone Youth on Vimeo.

This video shows the revised choreography for the "Peacewalk" portion of the routine...

Peace Walk (Revised) from South Zone Youth on Vimeo.