African Dance Choreography


This is the african dance piece. Three formations occur. Diagrams are in revision right now so that everyone will able to see the big picture of how this all fits together.


The african dance follows the Peace Walk. When the Peace Walk concludes, all youth, african and non-african dancers, will all do the same locomotive step. Non-african dancers will travel off of the stage and the african dancers will go to their first formation. Thse youtube clips by Mid-Atlantic zone (Hooray! And thank you!) are the choreography with will be put into the formations.
1st formation: 10 circles

- 1st step: "Windmill"
- 2nd step: "Rocking Horse"
Transitional locomotive step to 2nd formation

2nd formation: large diamond

- 1st step: "Bow"
- 2nd step: "Leg Cross"

Transitional locomotive step to 3rd formation

3rd formation: Everyone spread out equidistant apart in horizontal and vertical lines

- 1st step: "Hand Clap With Your Partner"
- 2nd step: "Hands Up" (4 times in place and then continue this step to exit off of stage)

The locomotive steps are coming!

As well, you will be receiving the house and latin dance! Hooray!

This weekend is pivotal. I am determined that everyone learn the african, house or latin and polish during the following week. With this, the piece is complete!

Yes, there is much to do but WE WILL WIN TOGETHER!!!

As Sensei says, "I hope you will act with courage. Courage is strength. Courage is wisdom. It is the driving force for victory."


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