Commands while standing at attention:
“Corps Ten-hut!” “1!!!”
Attention! Calling all individuals to order. Chins should be up, shoulders back, feet together, eyes bright and smiling. No one should be moving during this time. Group in unison responds with “1!!!!”
Attention Cadence:
"Chins" ----->> "UP"
"Shoulders" ----->> "BACK"
"Stomach" ----->> "IN"
"Feet" ----->> "TOGETHER"
"Eyes" ----->> "BRIGHT"
"What else???" ----->> "SMILE!!!!"
"Right/Left, FACE" “1, 2”A command given during attention towards a formation to turn 90 degrees to the right or left as one unit. Squad answers back, “1, 2”
"About, FACE" “1, 2”A turn 180 degrees facing the opposite direction, executed to the right. Place your right toe downward, slightly behind the left leg. Pivot on the ball of both the left and right foot simultaneously and finish by bringing left foot together with the right. Squad answers back, “1, 2”
"Dress right, DRESS" “1, 2”Movement in which individuals except those on the extreme right side raise their right arms parallel to the ground and lock their heads to the far right in order to get the proper distance from each other. Squad answers back, “1, 2”. This is maintained until the command: “Ready Front”.
"Ready, FRONT." “1, 2”At which point, the individuals return to the position of attention. Squad answers back, “1, 2”
"Parade, REST" No response from squadIndividuals spread their feet about 12 inches while bringing the right arm behind the. The back of the right hand rests against the back. The left hand continues to hold instrument parallel to the ground.
Commands while marching:"Forward, MARCH"Individuals begin marching, starting with the left foot. Individual should roll off the ball of their foot and point toe towards ground, progressing forward at the rhythm set by conductor.
"Squad HALT" “1, 2”Used to stop a unit (formation) from marching by calling it ether on the right or left foot. Squad answers back, “1, 2” “1” being the left foot and “2” being the right foot.
"To The Right Flank, MARCH"The whole formation turns 90 degrees and continues to march. Extend the right leg out and make a 90 degree pivot on the ball of the foot. Follow with the left leg and continue marching.
"To The Left Flank, MARCH"The whole formation turns 90 degrees and continues to march. Extend the right leg out and make a 90 degree pivot on the ball of the foot. Follow with the left leg and continue marching.
“To The Rear, MARCH”The whole formation turns 180 degrees and continues to march. Extend the right leg out and pivot 180 degrees on the ball of the foot. Follow with the left leg and continue marching.
"Right step, MARCH"Individuals take side steps to the right.
"Left step, MARCH"Individuals take side steps to the left.
"Right Oblique, MARCH"Every individual executes a 45-degree pivot to the right while marching.
"To the rear, MARCH"A turn 180 degrees while marching, also executed to the right. Extend the right leg out and pivot 180 degrees pivoting on the ball of the right foot.
"Mark time, MARCH"Marching in place.