THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR EFFORTS!!! We are only 78 days away from our historic festival in Philadelphia!!!!!!!
The territory youth leaders have created a new application for the performing groups that are still being promoted. (Please see "Updated Performer Application" on the right side of this page.) This will make it clear that we are taking deposits only for performers in the YMD Brass Band, YWD Fife and Drum Corps, YMD/YWD Chorus, YWD Flag Corps (YWD Color Guard) and YMD Gymnastics (Athletics).
As a reminder, once a youth submits their deposit for one of these groups, they are CONFIRMED to be a performer... they would NOT be on a standby list. (Subject to change - at any possible time!)
And to reiterate, CURRENT standby youth can become CONFIRMED by specifying which of the above activity groups they will participate in.
How many more youth will your area encourage to "Dream Big" and "Change The World," by participating in this once in a lifetime festival and battle with Sensei?
In the 4/23/2010 World Tribune, Sensei shares, "Nichiren writes, 'Even one seed, when planted, multiplies' (WND, Vol. 2, p. 602). Seeds cannot sprout if they aren't sown. We need to sow one seed of the Mystic Law after another, sparing no effort. It is through such continuous, tireless actions that kosen-rufu will advance."
thank you,
South Zone Team